
Showing posts with the label Party

How can I measure Social Media Marketing

I am from India and we are extremely money conscious. Oh, it's true. It's damn true. Not that it is a bad thing. On the contrary, it means you value your money. However, when it comes to selling your brand or your product it could test your wits. If you have gone selling your brand or product to a prospective client you know what I mean. A good salesperson will always ask himself or herself the same questions the client would. Like, "How much business will I get in return?" or "How can I know I got business from online marketing?" So how do we answer these questions?                                                                                                                        ...

Website – Is it a necessity or luxury?

Having your own website is akin to owning your own home or flat. In a digital world, a world in which you and DigiCrawlrZ live in, web design and development combined with targeted digital marketing have revolutionized the way business is conducted. Many businesses contemplate having a website of their own, few consider it and very few invest time and money into building a formidable online presence. This blog takes a look at how an owner views his/her web presence and highlights the importance of having a good website supported by online marketing tools.  Call  DigiCrawlrZ . Do you need a website? Yes –  If you go out on a date or a party you choose the best dress or suit you have. Why do you do that? You wish to create a good impression, be attractive and feel good about yourself. In the internet world, a website performs a similar task. It showcases your company/product/brand, gives information about what you do or what you can offer and allows potential ...