
Showing posts with the label Facebook Business Page

Top 10 Social Media Tactics Every Business Must Adopt

Know your Fans.   When you post always keep your fans interest in mind. Customize your posts that are best suited to your fans. You may like to post about yourself and your company. Keep this urge to the minimum. Adopt the 80/20 rule. In other words, only 20% of your content should be about yourself or your company. The remaining 80% of the posted content should focus on adding value to your fans. Be selectively active.  Be careful of how active you are. Being overactive, that is, posting more than 2 posts a day could annoy your fans driving them away from your page and chances are that your posts could get lost between news feeds. So, if you have an  important message to send across to your fans you might miss out on that opportunity.  Timing is crucial. The timing of your posts is crucial to the success of your post. You need to find through experimentation and analytics the time when your fans are on social media. This will facilitate sharing of your post...

How To Setup An Instagram Account for Business in 5 minutes

One of the hottest social media platforms and a trending super hit with youngsters is Instagram . Apart from appealing to the selfie-crazy crowd, Instagram is rapidly gaining popularity with entrepreneurs and marketers. As compared to Facebook , Instagram marketing could be considered in its infancy stage but holds a huge potential. Facebook and Twitter marketing is increasing becoming saturated making it difficult to reach out to the target audience. With the duo increasingly skewing their search algorithms in favor of paid advertisements, marketers with little to no budget are being forced to opt for other feasible avenues like Instagram .    In this blog, DigiCrawlrZ quickly lists down the steps to set up an Instagram account for business. It’s quick and easy to set up an Instagram Business Profile : Step 1 : Download and launch the Instagram app (the Instagram app is available on  iOS ,  Android  and  Windows ). Once downloaded, open the ...