
Showing posts from December, 2017

4 Ways To Be Productive This Christmas

Christmas week is here. It's a busy week for all businesses in Goa. Tourists from all over the world have flocked to this beautiful state to enjoy their year-end holidays. There are lots of weddings, client meetings and family events to attend during this festive season. Time may seem to fly. You may find it difficult to find time to tweet, update your Facebook status or post your latest pic on to Instagram. And when you are any social media platform it easy to get distracted scrolling through endless posts. Have you been at the receiving end with regards to managing time? I have been. To be honest Social Media is time consuming. Time is the biggest investment one makes in a social media business. It is easy to get distracted and waste your time drooling over meaningless posts. It is important to keep a tab on the time spent on social media and how much of it contributes towards work. Using time efficiently is the key for a productive output. Here are 5 points you need t...

How to use YouTube’s comment moderation tools

YouTube is an awesome social media platform to market one's brand. What's also awesome is that it allows engagement by means of liking, sharing and commenting on the video. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to eliminate comments which are inappropriate, offensive or just spam in nature and do not add any value to your video engagement. How do we moderate such comments is what you must be wondering. Y ouTube's moderation tools now allow to weed out unnecessary and irrelevant comments so that it leaves your followers with engaging comments. Let us go through YouTube's moderation tools. #1: Edit Moderation Settings Comments can be moderated in Community Settings under the Community tab. Applying automated filters and customizing moderation settings can really be handy in keeping out nasty and unwanted comments. Once on the Community Settings page, the following settings can be edited: Approve users: Users can be approved by Channel Admin(s) allo...

How Social Media Is Transforming The Way We Communicate

Remember the days when one would wait for the postman to deliver mail to your doorstep. The mail delivery would assume more significance if the letter bore some good news often followed by dramatic emotional outbursts and celebrations. In those days, the telegram was the fastest mode of delivering news, somewhat comparable to today’s speed post. Unfortunately, by the nature of its service, it had earned an ominous reputation of being the bearer of bad news. The advent of computers and World Wide Web eventually led to a gradual demise of the erstwhile telegram. The ‘Internet’ opened up a plethora of opportunities not only for businesses but also for sending personal messages on real time basis. Ctrl+Alt+Del We start fresh.  WhatsApp ,  Facebook ,  Twitter ,  Instagram  have taken over the world of communication. Dynamic modes of communication have transformed the way we communicate with our friends, families and colleagues. Just to illustrate the sign...

How to Promote Your Facebook Page

You have created a Facebook Page for your business or brand. The immediate question that comes to your mind, "How do I reach out to the millions?" This blog briefly highlights the top 5 boxes one needs to tick to grow your fan following. Facebook is currently the No. 1 social media platform.   It is the go to destination for all businesses who are keen on tapping potential partners, clients and customers. Having a Facebook page is one of the best ways to rank higher in a Google search too!  So how do we grow the Page that we have just set up? #1: Invite. Invite. Invite What are friends for if they can't help you when you need them? Facebook makes it easy for you to invite your friends to like your page. The right hand column on your Facebook page will have a link asking you to invite your friends to like your page.  You can invite all your friends from this link . This is the quickest way to gain fans for your newly created page. Once they like your p...